Sunday, August 2, 2009

Someone pinch me

So my beautiful baby boy has slept through the night 7 nights in a row! I can't even believe it. Although I have a feeling he is just doing it to get my hopes up and then he will start waking up again but I hope not! We are going on vacation on Friday and we will visiting 2 different time zones. I'm a little worried that this will mess up his schedule. I'm going to try my very hardest to keep him as close to our time zone as possible while we are gone. I have thought that maybe we should just stay home but my Aunt is very sick and we NEED to see her ASAP. It sounds silly to stay home just because Luke is on a night time schedule but I go back to work soon and don't know how well I would manage if I had to get up in the middle of the night.

Saturday night we went to nightime zoo again with Chris and Becca. Had so much fun. We watched a bird show late at night in the dark. It was kind of fun even though it was birds (I HATE birds!!). We were walking out towards the exit after the show and saw some pretty creepy hyenas. They were kind of scary in the dark.

This morning Jason is taking his first of four CPA tests. Then this afternoon we are going to go to Fashion Valley and then walk around Balboa Park and then have dinner with Lindsay. Sounds like a really fun day to me.

Me and Luke at the zoo
Grandma and Luke at dinner for Great Grandpa's bday!
I tried to get good pictures of him in his Guess outfit since its so darn cute but he didn't want to show off his shirt and would not let go of the pacifier.

1 comment:

Pam Bowers said...

I'm glad he's sleeping through the night. Have fun on your vacation.