Saturday, August 29, 2009

I'm losing my mind

So Luke hasn't been sleeping well so between getting up early for work and staying up late to pump on top of waking up with him in the middle of the night Jason and I both are pretty tired. I feel like I am losing my mind. One night I while Jason and Luke were playing I started pumping and I realized after a couple of minutes that milk was leaking on my leg. I had fogotten to put the bottle on one of the pumps! Then later that night I went out to pump while Luke was asleep. It was 10:30 pm and I started pumping only to wake up at 11:26 pm. I had pumped for an hour. I was very sore!

Today Luke doesn't think he needs a nap. He isn't necessarily fussy he is just making tons of noises and won't sleep. We gave him some rice cereal in his bottle today. He seemed to like it. His high chair should arrive on monday and we are going to try and actually feed him the rice cereal. I can't wait to see if he likes it or not. I also made my first batch of baby food today. It was some squash from Chris and Becca's garden. I froze it in little individual portions so when he is ready we only have to thaw what we need. It was super easy and kind of fun. Can't wait to make more!

We went to the races yesterday with Primo Pat and Chris and Becca. We had so much fun. I won $23 on a race. I love horse racing. Especially since we love the show Jockeys on Animal Planet.

1 comment:

Sara St. Jean said...

Too funny. Laughed at your pumping stories. Some days I feel the same way. Too bad there are the caffeine restrictions that come with breast feeding!