Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Luke started signing bath to me the other night. I mean seriously I have not done that sign in probably 6 months and only really did it a few times. I have no idea how he remembered it but he did and now he does it all the time. I got him out of his high chair after he was done with dinner and he started doing it and running down the hall. Unfortunately Jason and I were not done with dinner and that did not make Luke happy! Finally when we were done I said ok ready for your bath and he starts doing the sign for bath and heading towards the bathroom. It is so cute! Then we got out the sign language book since we know he can do them and pick them up pretty quickly so I did the sign for brush teeth and the kid got so excited he started signing it and ran to the bathroom. He gets very giddy when he knows he gets to brush his teeth (I really hope that lasts but I'm sure it will become a chore to get him to brush someday). He lets me use the finger brush for about 30 seconds and then I let him go to town with his Elmo toothbrush. Its not so fun after about 5 minutes and you need him to go to bed. Once you take away the toothbrush you need to be prepared for a huge tantrum!

Luke has also started picking his nose. Its cute for about 2 seconds then its just gross! He is also starting to talk a tiny bit more. The sitter told me he said thank you to her the yesterday. I know he has repeated me when I tell him to say thank you several times but he said it all on his own this time! He was repeating Jason last night and Jason kept saying I love you over and over and Luke would say it back. He has also somehow picked up how to cover your mouth if you cough. So funny I watched him do it several times one day. He is like a sponge and its a little scary! We are participating in some training for a speech therapist from Kaiser. We go on Friday and while they are working with Luke they are going to be talking to me about how I can help him learn at home. No Luke does not have a problem with speech or learning that we know of but its just something fun we got invited to do and sounds really neat so we are taking part. Can't wait to do it! They did ask me all the things he does so if there was anything he was behind in we could work on it. The one thing that concerns me is that he does not point. His pediatrician asked us at the 12 month visit if he is pointing to things and I said no and he kind of gave a weird look and said well I guess since he walks and otherwise acts pretty normal its fine. Well when she asked me if he pointed I said no and she said oh perfect we will work on that. Pointing would make like a little easier because he will want something out of the toy box and if it is stuck (because the toy box is a wreck and there are way too many toys in there) he just stands there screaming so you are literally pulling every thing out until he gets what he wants. Hopefully he can learn by the time we go to the pediatrician on September 3!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

16 months!

It hardly seems fair that Luke is 16 months already. He is not wasting any time growing up! He is really starting to lose his babyness. Makes me want to cry! He got his hair cut again yesterday and I didn't realize how thick and long his hair had gotten. Now its gone! She spiked his hair after cutting yesterday and put some red temporary dye. It washed out last night in the shower but it was so cute. I want to get some blue dye to put in. How cute would that be!

Well we have finally hit the point in Luke's short life where going out to do anything is no longer fun! Going out to dinner with him is out of the question. He is a busy little boy! He will sit in the high chair for about 5 minutes before wanting to get out. He needs to be running around exploring not stuck in a high chair. We met our neighbors and some of their friends at Fiesta Island for a bonfire. Luke was not fun! He wanted to go into the water or follow around an older boy who was playing with the wood pile which had nails and dangerous pieces of wood in it. The older boy was about 10 so it was fine for him to be doing whatever it was he was doing (hammering nails into the wood I think) but not for Luke. Well that didn't go over well at all! We finally decided Luke could have his bottle if he sat with one of us. Well he wanted his bottle but nothing to do with us. He ended up screaming. Jason took him for a drive around the island twice but he didn't fall asleep. They did stop and get out to watch the fireworks from Seaworld for a few. We had fun but not nearly as much as we would have if Luke would have been better! He just thinks he is much bigger than he is.

Even though he is not a ton of fun to be out and about with I can hardly get enough of him right now. He is so cute! This age is challenging because he really tries to communicate with us but we don't know much of what he is saying so he gets upset, but this age is so much fun! I love the new things he does every day. I love the way he is always trying to make people laugh. What a personality this kid has. He was trying to make an old lady at Vons laugh the other day. He did the job! Sometimes if his cute little "tricks" don't make people laugh he will just start laughing and that usually gets them. He also has 2 laughs. One that is this very deep loud laugh that if he is standing up he usually hunches over because he is laughing so hard. The other laugh is totally 100% fake. He does this when he wants others to laugh or look at him. It sounds a lot like a goat!

Luke really has been into daddy a lot too! On my days off by the end of the afternoon he is usually asking for dada. So cute yesterday he kept saying dada here dada here. I said no not yet dada will be home soon. He runs and give Jason the biggest hugs when he gets home. Now I'm not saying he is not a mama's boy still because my uncle brought his new baby (almost 3 months old) to California this week and while I was holding Avery Luke got very upset. He climbed into my lap wanting me to hold him instead. Makes me very happy we decided to hold off having another baby and did not rush into it like we originally planned.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

My boys cleaning!
Well I have started several posts and never finished them! Guess I have been busy. Two weeks ago Jason and I went to the Aerosmith concert with Ashley and Dylan. Had the best time!! My mom and dad stayed the night since we didn't get home until 2am. They had a blast with Luke. That whole weekend was jam packed! Friday we went to the horse races. Saturday we had dinner at Loralyn & Ryans. Sunday we went to church and Seaworld with Ashley, Dylan, and Boston. Our weekend started on Thursday at the Aerosmith concert and ended at Seaworld Sunday night at 10pm! The next weekend was busy too. Jason left Friday afternoon for an umpire clinic in Long Beach and Luke and I hung out every single night with his new mommy (our neighbor) Susie and her two kids! Such an awesome friend I have found. Literally in about 2 weeks Luke and Hunter will be best friends. Hunter is starting to walk and once he does those two will be off doing what boys do. Sophia the cutest little almost 3year old and I will be watching Cinderella together while the boys play!

This weekend is booking up fast! I'm watching 2 boys tomorrow and have a BBQ planned for Sunday. Think we need a vacation!

Oh and Loralyn I can't wait for Vegas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sophia and Luke

Luke, Sophia, and Hunter

Big Boy

Boston hugging Luke

Luke at Seaworld!

Jay, Me, Ashley, and Dylan after Aerosmith

Jay & me!

Ashley & Dylan

Dylan & Jason