Monday, January 18, 2010

Well Luke may be better in health but his attitude could use some adjusting. Jason and I are having a hard time with the little man lately. He is starting to throw tantrums. He will throw himself on the floor and kick whatever is in his path. If he is really mad he will bang his head on the floor too. I have a feeling we have our hands full with Luke. He is very opinionated and wants his way. He has been a little more clingy to me lately. If I come back from grocery shopping or from work and don't drop everything and pick him up he gets very angry. I wish I could spend more time with him. I am working a little bit more right now while Valerie is on maternity leave so its a little less mommy & Luke time. Jason is going to be going like crazy within the next few months with taxes, baseball, and studying/taking tests for his CPA license so I need to make sure and spend lots of time with Luke.

Luke had Rory and Jaylen over the other night. The 3 of them were so cute together. They were all standing at the activity table Luke has and it was so cute! Its really funny all 3 of them have their little "thing" its so cute! Rory claps when you tell her to clap, Jaylen shakes his head NO when you say no, and Luke bounces when you tell him to bounce. Its so funny. Luke was on his best behavior that night and did not throw any tantrums (he saved them for us the next day).

We are also having sleep issues. We had 2 really good nights where we just laid Luke in his crib and he fell asleep and didn't wake up for 10 hours! Then next two nights were back to normal and he won't go to sleep and wakes up at 4am. I sure hope the next kid is a better sleeper. Not that I can even think of another kid right now, unlike Jason who doesn't want them to far apart. Guess we will see who wins that debate.

Monday, January 11, 2010

What a week

Well today has started off awesome compared to last Monday. As I said in my last post Luke woke up Monday with a fever and stayed at home with Jason. That day he seemed good and we thought it would be fine to go to daycare the next day, that was until he woke up the next morning. He had a very small fever, he could barely breathe and he was coughing so bad. For the first time ever Luke looked very sick. His eyes were red and he wouldn't smile. Jason was unable to stay home and my job is very rough right now with Valerie on maternity leave, I am unable to call in sick. I had no idea what to do. I was in tears because I couldn't think of a solution when all of a sudden I thought maybe I should call my dad and see if he was working. Sure enough he wasn't so he rode down with my mom and watched Luke for us. I was so nervous. I know my dad is great with older kids but I know its been more than 25 years since he changed a diaper (if he ever changed ours) and was very nervous he couldn't get Luke down for a nap because sometimes its very hard. Well a couple hours into the day I called and Luke was asleep!!! It put me at ease. I went and visited on my lunch break and everything was under control and Luke was even pretty happy. My dad said he never cried one time during the day.

The next day was Wednesday and that is my new day off (while Val is gone) and so I had made an appointment to take Luke to the doctors. His breathing had gotten so much worse but when we got to his appointment the doctor did not seem to think his breathing was bad. He said it was all up in his chest and not in his lungs so that was good, but he was running a 101.4 temp and just as the doctor asked if he had been pulling on his ears and I said no he looked in there and both ears had an infection. As soon as he put the little scope in there it was like Luke realized that was what was causing him pain because he could not keep his hands off his ears for the rest of the day. Well Luke couldn't go to daycare since his fever was less than 24 hours before he would have to go to daycare so we once again had to ask my dad to come down and watch him on Thursday. Then Thursday night Luke came down with diarrhea, which was from the medication but I wasn't sure if she would let him go to daycare with it since you are not supposed to and I didn't hear back from her right away and my dad came down to watch Luke again. We could not have gotten through the week without my dad. He had the program down and Luke had so much fun all week playing with Papa.

While he was sick Luke stopped eating. He completely stopped eating solids and would drink a little bit of milk. He normally only drinks 16oz of milk a day when he is healthy which is on the very low end of what babies drink. I talked to the doctor about this and he said it was ok but when we talked about Luke's poop issues (the poor kid seriously struggles) he said maybe he needs more milk and to try and get him to eat 20oz a day. Well I wish! I can barely still get the 16oz in him. I don't know what it is but he will refuse the bottle and push it away. I am going to guess he knows what he needs best and if 20oz of milk is to much then we will just make sure he gets 16 for sure and make sure he drinks some water. We are slowly putting him back on solids. Just to show you how much babies can vary the youngest baby at daycare is almost 5 months old. He was born very big and is still bigger than Luke is now and he is drinking 32oz a day and eating 3 solid meals a day. When Luke is healthy he drinks 16oz and eats 2 meals. I don't know how that baby can eat all that! I am very excited for him to start eating more solids just before he got really sick I made him some gourmet baby food! My favorite was the onion, carrots, corn, and potato. It was seriously like a really good mashed potatoes with corn (which is one of my favorite things) and it was much healthier because it was made with a very little bit of veggie stock and water instead of milk and the only butter used was a little bit to saute the onions in. I love the new cookbook thanks Loralyn for telling me about it!

Today Luke made it to daycare and slept for the first 5 hours he was there and now is happily playing!

Monday, January 4, 2010


The title of this post seems to sum up our days around here. Luke is trying to get into everything. As soon as you say Luke No he turns around looks right at you and gives you the BIGGEST smile ever then turns back around and proceeds to do the very thing we told him no. I guess thats the way it goes! Guess we need to learn a little patience and to be very quick on our toes.

Today Luke got to spend the day with daddy. He woke up at 2 this morning and when he came to lay down with me he was rubbing his hands all over me and realized his hands were really warm and so was the rest of him so we took his temp and sure enough it was 100.5. Now I know that is not really even a fever the doctors care to know about but he can't go to daycare with a temp like that. Jason had to run to his office (at 2:30 in the morning since we were up) to get some work to do here at home. He took Luke along with him since Luke was acting like the wild monkey he is and wouldn't lay down with me. Luckily he fell asleep in the car and Jason put him next to me when they got back and Luke slept until 7:30. Why can't he do that on my days off?

In other fantastic news our friends Mike and Valerie had their little baby girl today! Lena Ann Shartel 8lbs 12 oz!!! She was even bigger than her brother who was 8lbs 9oz. Oh yeah she was 21 inches. I am itching to go see her but since Jason had a meeting tonight I had to stay with Luke. I am going tomorrow night and I can't wait. I am so excited for them and its making me really want another one!!!!!