Monday, October 19, 2009

My sweet little man is 6 months old!

How in the world did we get here so fast. I always thought about the day he would turn 6 months but I had no idea it would come up so quickly. We are having so much fun with him right now. He is being so sweet and cuddly.

We had a great weekend. We had friends over on Saturday for games and Luke got to hang out with his buddies Jaylee (Jaylen) and Rory (Aurora). Jaylee and Luke are so funny together because they love to grab at each other. Luke did so good and stayed awake until 11:30 on Saturday until he just fell asleep as I was holding him on my hip. He just kind of passed out. He rarely has done that, normally he would stay up late and get so tired that he would fight us on sleeping by screaming for awhile. The next morning Luke and I headed to Lake Morena (I haven't been there in at least 10 years!) for an H2O at home party. It went very well and Luke was hilarious. He was sitting on the couch with my mom just looking at all the ladies and smiling at everyone. He thinks he is so big now that he can sit up (not on his own but when we sit him up he stays). While we were in Lake Morena daddy was supposed to be studying. Not sure how much of that he got done but at least he got some peace and quiet!

Looking forward to the weeks ahead. We are going to have pictures taken on October 30. A lady is coming to our house and is going to take pictures of Luke in his room and then possibly outside if possible. Hopefully he is good that day and rests in the morning so he is amped to smile and have fun in the afternoon. Then the next day is Halloween! I can't wait to get the babies together in their costumes. We are going to Ryan, Loralyn, and Rory's party that we do every year. Rory is going to be a flower and Boston is going to be a turtle (so cute now that he is crawling) and Luke will be a little monkey.

Last night I put Luke down on his playmat like I always do and walked into the kitchen to wash some bottles and when I turned around to check on him he was gone. I walked out into the living room to find him no where near the playmat and completely off the rug in our living room. I have no idea how he did it. I think he just scooted his way off. This weekend we are going to get a baby gate and some other safety supplies. I remember Jason and I talking right when we found out I was pregnant about needing gates and I told him don't worry about it we are still at least a year away from needing that stuff. Guess its finally time.

So bummed that neither Jason or myself will be with Luke on his 6 month birthday. I have to take him to daycare to go to work and then I pick him up and rush to get all his stuff ready so my mom can come watch him while I go to Temecula for a meeting for H2O at home and Jason goes to class. At least I know he will get lots and lots of attention from Grandma.

1 comment:

mom/nana said...

Oh My Goodness-he has grown and changed so much - I am missing so much - life is not fare. I miss him so much! When are you and Jason going to buy a video cam so you can send me some live pics of him - or ever better hook up a web cam so I can see him in real time?? I am missing him so much!! My heart hurts!