Thursday, July 30, 2009

Happy Day!

So Luke has slept 3 nights in a row!! Last night I never even had to put the pacifier in his mouth. I'm not exactly sure why all of a sudden he decided to sleep all night but I like it. Also princess Sophie slept with me last night. She hasn't done that in a long time. Maybe she is starting to forgive me for bringing home a squirmy crying little thing. Today is a good day. I get to go to breastfeeding group (hopefully we will breastfeed) and see Loralyn and Aurora and hopefully April and Jaylen. Then Luke and I are going shopping.

1 comment:

Sara St. Jean said...

Congrats on 3 nights in a row! We made it through a 4 hour stretch of sleep followed by another 3 hours. But at 4am he wanted to hangout for an hour. Overall, not too bad.