Friday, November 20, 2009

7 Months!

Can't believe my little guy is 7 months old today. Only 5 more to go until he is 1 year old. Wow I won't know what to do with myself when that happens. I already got a little teary eyed today when I was thinking about how fast time is going and how big he is getting. I told him he could slow down now but I don't think he understood me. I have decided that as I remember all the horrible things that come with pregnancy and after the c section I'm going to write it down so it when I think I want another baby right now I can get over it. Today's memory is a week after having Luke and I broke out in a rash all over my body. It was so itchy and miserable and there was nothing the doctor could do about it. Oh yeah and the swelling. The end of my pregnancy was bad but nothing compared the two weeks afterwards. I could barely walk. I remember just shuffling my feet through the hallway holding Luke in the middle of the night afraid I was going to drop him. I think after those two things I'm cured from wanting another baby for now!

Well on this very special day today my little guy woke up very sick. He has a horrible cough, definitely the worst one he has had so far. Kind of sounds like croup. I guess we will see today. We already had Luke's 7 month visit where he would get his vaccinations and hopefully the flu shot booster (he's not due for the swine flu booster for another few weeks). I don't know that they will give him his vaccinations today now that he is sick. I'm bummed because my cousin Jesse and his wife Valerie and their little girl Ava are supposed to stay with us this weekend. I really wanted Luke his happy usual self. Today he is very low key and mellow. Its very sad to see him like this. He is not running a fever but is whining a lot. Poor baby.

I know I need to post some pictures. We got the proofs back from the photo shoot we did at our house but I'm waiting to get the cd of the pics before I post them. They are fantastic! She did a really good job I love them!

1 comment:

Sara St. Jean said...

how big was he? you've got to post the stats!