Wednesday, February 4, 2009

27 Weeks!

Wow only 1 more week to go in the second trimester! I can't believe next week I will be in the third trimester. There is still so much to do. Good news is that my blood work showed that I am anemic which explains why I have absolutely no energy. I've been on iron for 2 days now so I'm hoping that I get some energy in me any day now. Bad news is that I have to go for a 3 hour glucose test on Friday. I did not pass my 1 hour by 2 points. I'm just praying that all goes well and I do not have gestational diabetes. Please pray for me. Friday is going to be brutal. I will have to fast and then go in and have my blood drawn before drinking the sugary drink and then have my blood drawn again at 1 hour, 2 hours, and 3 hours post drink. Thats a lot of blood draws! I just really hope that I am normal and do not have gestational diabetes. I guess we will see.


Loralyn Cross said...

Here is to hoping! That article said something like 25% of women who test over for the 1 hour test are "false positives"...

Pam Bowers said...

My fingers are crossed! Time sure does fly!