Monday, January 4, 2010


The title of this post seems to sum up our days around here. Luke is trying to get into everything. As soon as you say Luke No he turns around looks right at you and gives you the BIGGEST smile ever then turns back around and proceeds to do the very thing we told him no. I guess thats the way it goes! Guess we need to learn a little patience and to be very quick on our toes.

Today Luke got to spend the day with daddy. He woke up at 2 this morning and when he came to lay down with me he was rubbing his hands all over me and realized his hands were really warm and so was the rest of him so we took his temp and sure enough it was 100.5. Now I know that is not really even a fever the doctors care to know about but he can't go to daycare with a temp like that. Jason had to run to his office (at 2:30 in the morning since we were up) to get some work to do here at home. He took Luke along with him since Luke was acting like the wild monkey he is and wouldn't lay down with me. Luckily he fell asleep in the car and Jason put him next to me when they got back and Luke slept until 7:30. Why can't he do that on my days off?

In other fantastic news our friends Mike and Valerie had their little baby girl today! Lena Ann Shartel 8lbs 12 oz!!! She was even bigger than her brother who was 8lbs 9oz. Oh yeah she was 21 inches. I am itching to go see her but since Jason had a meeting tonight I had to stay with Luke. I am going tomorrow night and I can't wait. I am so excited for them and its making me really want another one!!!!!

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