While Luke has had sleep problems lately. First of all we finally decided on a bed time for him. We now put him to bed regardless if he is ready or not (which he never is) at 9pm. I know it seems late but he is kind of a night owl and would stay up until 10 or 11 if we let him. The first few nights were rough but now we put him in his bed and say good night and he may cry for a couple of minutes but then falls off to sleep. Jump to 2 or 3 am and he is awake. Now we have always known Luke doesn't sleep like most babies and we are very lucky to get him to sleep 6 or 7 hours but it is really hard on us when we are both working a lot and are super busy at our jobs. We are tired! So we wake up with him and we have tried everything. We have tried letting him cry but then he starts screaming like somethings wrong, we rock him to bed and then as soon as you set him in the crib he wakes up crying instantly. We rub his back or belly and that works until you take you hand off. We have been up every night for a week for at least an hour sometime more. The worst part is we end up bringing him to our bed because we really need that last hour and a half of sleep before we get up for work. I really am at a loss for what to do. Jason thinks he may be getting his top teeth and maybe that is the problem. I sure hope so because I'm tired!
Last week Luke and I went and played with the neighbors. We have a neighbor 2 doors down with a 2 year old little girl and a 5 month old little boy and we spent New years eve at their house and we have had lots of fun with them! So Luke was playing with Sophia while Susie and I were chatting away and Luke fell face first into the street and got his first big boy owie. He got a tiny scrape on his forhead and nose. He was pretty brave and didn't cry too much (he couldn't look like a baby in front of Sophia!).
Well I have been working with Jason's camera a little. I still have no idea what I'm doing when I take pictures but my boss showed me how to edit (yeah I never really thought to edit my photos) so here are a few I took. I will continue to try and get better!
Happy big boy!
This is a toy I had at my grandmas when I was very little!
If you look super close you can see his 2 teeth
My baby boy with beautiful eyes!
Luke loves the toy Papa and Grandma got him for Christmas. He now loves to ride on it too!
Luke and Grandma at GG's birthday party
relaxing in the high chair
A cake I made for my grandma. Guess I needed to fix the side a little ooops!
Darn Jones. I hate it he still loves it.
yay, he's walking! Your photos look great. I'm going to take a class in April that teaches how to use the manual functions on a dslr. It's only $45 and is on Tuesday nights for 3 or 4 weeks. It's at the Santana High adult center. Think about joining me. I have the info for signing up online.
Yay Luke!! Can't wait to hear how his walking progresses in the next few weeks. Love the pictures, he is such a cutie pie!
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