Well we are approaching the 10 month mark rather quickly. Of course if you have read any of the month posts on this blog you know what I'm going to say next: I can't believe he is almost 10 months old and time is going by so fast! Yeah I'm very predictable that way.
Well our house has been busy lately. First we have our child who is constantly moving. He finally started crawling for real. I thought he was never going to but all of a sudden at almost 10 months old he figured it out! Then a couple days after starting that he has started taking steps. He is still a little bit from walking but he can now take 1 or 2 steps at a time before he falls on his bottom! I can't believe it. All of a sudden. I thought for sure he was not going to have teeth or walk by his first birthday and in the same week he started sprouting teeth and trying to walk. Today when I dropped him off at daycare he took 2 full steps trying to get to the big boys. When he finally fell he got on his hands and knees and crawled as fast as he could after them. He wants nothing to do with the "baby" toys and wants to play with the big kids and what they are playing with. We have seen a huge change in Luke the last week. His personality is forming more and more every day. Right now he thinks everything is funny. If you laugh he will laugh. If the TV is on he will look at it and laugh. He laughs at Sophie and he laughs at me every time I put him in his high chair and tell him to sit flat on his bottom. Although nothing makes him laugh as much as Loralyn's dog Guinness. Don't know what it is about that little dog but she cracks him up every time! He is getting very vocal and LOUD. He really has found his voice. My heart just melts every time I see him lately. I don't know where my tiny 5lb 5oz baby boy went but he is turning into a little boy. I am dying to get his hair cut because while he doesn't have tons of hair ( like a certain boy named Jaylen) the stuff he has is getting very long and goes over his ears and it drives me nuts. Jason won't let me cut it, which is particularly odd since he always made comments when he was a newborn about cutting his hair and I would get so mad!
Other than our growing boy, Jason has been super busy. He leaves for work super early most mornings (you know like before I even get out of the shower!) and gets home late. Some days he has baseball games and meetings. I was afraid I was going to feel like a single mom but when he has been home he has been pretty helpful! I do feel bad for him because I know he is working so hard and all I can think about is all the money I plan on spending for Luke's birthday party! Oh well soon enough tax season will be over and then Jason will have no idea what to do with his free time. Knowing him he will find some other project to work on. I would love for him to go to a photography class because I know he has always wanted to and I am sick of looking at his $700 camera I bought him 2 years ago and he does not seem to know how to use it! I joked with him that I guess I'm going to figure out how to use it and it will become my camera.
I guess one day soon I will put up some pictures but not today!
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