Well Luke had his first Thanksgiving (wow isn't that obvious). We dressed him up in the cutest outfit ever well at least in my opinion and went to my grandmas for dinner. Luke sat at the table with the rest of us thanks to a high chair my grandparents bought when Michaela was little and his menu included peas, sweet potatos, and a pumpkin apple blend. He really enjoyed it. When he was all done with his dinner we gave him some apple flavored puffs. This was the first finger type food we have given him. He had a blast moving them around the tray and picking them up and throwing them or handing them to us but had no interest in actually eating them. He really hates the taste of them. I thought maybe it was just those ones so I bought banana ones also but he still refuses to put them in his mouth and if you try he will spit it out, but he really enjoys playing with them. Its nice to have him sit in his high chair and play with puffs while you clean up the kitchen.
Luke is just about crawling. He gets on his hands and knees but then goes back to his belly. I'm a bad mom. I'm trying to keep him off the floor because I don't want him to crawl before we get a video camera. We are working on it. My mom is going to give us money towards one for Christmas and we are in the process of picking one. We went out searching today. We have it narrowed down so hopefully we get it soon. I still do let him play on the floor I just really want a video camera to capture his first real crawl.
Luke has also gotten a lot more vocal in the last couple days. He squeals all day long. The night of Thanksgiving Luke did not sleep. It could be because he is still sick or maybe he is teething but as I was driving around town at 3 in the morning to try and get him to fall asleep I realized we should really be out shopping! Jason had wanted to get his brother something that was on sale and was planning on leaving the house around 4 but I went home and got him up and we went. I have never been to a black Friday sale and can't believe the amount of people waiting in line for stuff. Some people were there since the night before. We got what we went for (along with a few other things). When we got home since I was up with Luke most of the night Jason let me go to sleep. I woke up a few hours later because at first I thought Luke was screaming but he was actually squealing. I got up and walked out there to see him and he started laughing. It was so cute. He is so funny now! You know its really funny because they start babbling more and doing stuff and you think they are getting so big and doing so much then they do even more!
I have had so much fun shopping for him for Christmas. We got him a stand up music table. He loves to stand and since he is starting to hold on to stuff I thought this is great for him, a push toy that he can push around or play with on the ground, it also has a lot of music stuff, a see and say which are way better than the ones we had growing up, some pj's, lots of books, and a big car for his stocking. I keep saying I'm done but I keep finding stuff! I still want to get this foam mat and I just saw a new leapfrog toy (I love the leapfrog toys he has a couple that he loves) that is called my pal scout and its a stuffed dog that is very soft and it has all types of music you can download and it helps with their first words and all kinds of stuff. I think Luke would like it because he loves his sock monkey and really cuddles with it so I think I'm going to have to get that one too!
Well here are some pics from Thanksgiving. Later this week I will post some of the professional pics we did for now you get my handy work!
Here is Luke on his knees for the first time in the crib
He was just too cute
Luke loves to get messy so sometimes I just let it happen
Luke and Michaela
Luke and Daddy
Ladies man
Playing with his cup
Uncle Mike and cousin Michaela
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