Saturday, November 14, 2009

Thank Goodness Daddy is finally home!

The last few days have been mommy and Luke time. Jason went to LA to a baseball camp for college umpires. The first couple of days were great. Luke was being his funny happy self. We hung out with Grandma (and Papa for a few minutes) on Wednesday. Thursday we went to the doctors to get Luke's swine flu shot. I am proud to say he cried for a half a second then was smiling at the guy who gave him the shot.

Friday we had lots of fun. We went to the zoo with Aunt Loralyn and Aurora. We may not have seen all the animals but mommy and Loralyn got lots of talking time in and we had a wonderful lunch that we packed and took to the park. When we got back to Loralyn's house Luke and Rory played on the floor together. Rory is going to start crawling any minute! Luke is still far from it (but I'm not in any hurry because Iam not ready to chase after him!). We ended up having to leave because Luke was being naughty and kept taking Rory's book away and making her cry.

One thing we are having a hard time with is telling him NO. He throws tantrums every time we say no. I know he doesn't get it yet but there are things he should not be playing with (like mommys pump when she is hooked up to it and various other things that are dangerous). My mom thinks he is too young but she did hear him today on the phone when I told him no he started to scream! I think we are in for it. Our kid knows what he wants and doesn't care if we say no.

Today was rough. I don't know whats wrong with the little man but he screamed all day today. Everything I did was not the right thing. I tried holding him (this was the best option for the most part of the day), I tried the moby, the jumperoo, excersaucer, bouncer nothing helped for more than a few minutes. I actually got all ready to take him in the car for a little while because I knew he needed a nap. Once I strapped him in he fell asleep! Then we started all over again. When Daddy came home he got very very excitd for about 5 minutes then back to mr. cranky pants! I know his mouth is bothering him so I'm hoping its the teeth finally coming through. He has been teething for 3 months and his doctor saw at his 4 month visit the bump on his bottom gum but nothing has popped out yet :(


Sara St. Jean said...

I feel your pain about the teething. Link is drooling and trying to shove anything he can in his mouth. Our normally happy smilely baby has gotten crankier too. Can't wait for the teeth to hurry up and pop out.

Loralyn Cross said...

Man, I have a feeling you are in for it! He is already voicing an opinion and he can't even talk or walk. Hehe. Well with a great mom like you he'll be a great kid no matter what. :0)