Well Luke may be better in health but his attitude could use some adjusting. Jason and I are having a hard time with the little man lately. He is starting to throw tantrums. He will throw himself on the floor and kick whatever is in his path. If he is really mad he will bang his head on the floor too. I have a feeling we have our hands full with Luke. He is very opinionated and wants his way. He has been a little more clingy to me lately. If I come back from grocery shopping or from work and don't drop everything and pick him up he gets very angry. I wish I could spend more time with him. I am working a little bit more right now while Valerie is on maternity leave so its a little less mommy & Luke time. Jason is going to be going like crazy within the next few months with taxes, baseball, and studying/taking tests for his CPA license so I need to make sure and spend lots of time with Luke.
Luke had Rory and Jaylen over the other night. The 3 of them were so cute together. They were all standing at the activity table Luke has and it was so cute! Its really funny all 3 of them have their little "thing" its so cute! Rory claps when you tell her to clap, Jaylen shakes his head NO when you say no, and Luke bounces when you tell him to bounce. Its so funny. Luke was on his best behavior that night and did not throw any tantrums (he saved them for us the next day).
We are also having sleep issues. We had 2 really good nights where we just laid Luke in his crib and he fell asleep and didn't wake up for 10 hours! Then next two nights were back to normal and he won't go to sleep and wakes up at 4am. I sure hope the next kid is a better sleeper. Not that I can even think of another kid right now, unlike Jason who doesn't want them to far apart. Guess we will see who wins that debate.
Glad to hear he is feeling better. Just wanted to let you know that you aren't alone with the sleep issues! We are lucky if Hazel falls asleep somewhere around 10/11 and like clockwork she is up again between 2:30 - 3:30 screaming! I've heard that some parents have more intense "nighttime parenting" than others... guess we are the "lucky" ones!
Thanks Laura! Its always nice to hear of other parents that are going through the same thing.
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