So when we were at the doctors he said to start rice cereal at 5 months unless Luke stopped sleeping through the night. Well he had stopped plus he was eating 5oz every 2 hours so we decided to give him a little cereal. The first couple of days we gave it to him in his bottle but on Monday his high chair arrived and so we went for it. Here are some pics and a video of him eating. He sure seems to like it, although when it first goes in his mouth he makes a horrible face then he will smile after that.

First Bite
Over the weekend my work had a little pool party at the Chandler's house. We had lots of fun (Mommy may have had a tad too much as usual when I'm hanging with the ECLAP crew). Luke and Jason really enjoyed their time in the pool.

Me and my little man

Luke holding my beer for me

Luke relaxing in the pool with daddy

Jason pushed him around in his turtle floaty for a long time.

Luke showing off his Guess outfit before he grows out of it
So this weekend Luke decided he was tired of trying to roll over without success so on Saturday Jason and I put him down for a nap. We were in the kitchen and all of a sudden we hear a noise through the monitor. When Jason looks at the video he says to me, well he is on his stomach. We grab the camera and run in there to find little man very proud of himself for finally doing it. Now the problem is he hates being on his stomach so everynight we have to get up several times to roll him back over and put the pacifier in his mouth so that he doesn't wake up all the way. Sometimes it works and sometimes he screams and won't go back to sleep. I'm hoping this stops soon because I'm tired.

This is what we saw when we walked in his room
My boys showing off their hats
Video of Luke rolling over
Video of Luke eating cereal
So in other news I have started a new business and I'm very excited about it. I'm having a launch party on September 11th. I will be selling products for a company called H2O at home. The company has been in France for 12 years and they sell cleaning products that are either all natural or tools that you just need to use water with. Since I got pregnant it made me start to think more and more about things like cleaners with chemicals in them around my baby. Not to mention when I scrub my floors on my hands and knees Sophie follows me the whole time often walking on the wet part and I don't want her to go lick her feet after that. I am part of a team with Valerie and her sister Kristen. I went to Kristen's launch party and then I instantly decided I wanted to do this because I believe in the products. It took more convincing for Jason but he went to Val's launch party to check it out and when we got home he said go for it. It is basically like a Pampered Chef or Cookie Lee type of thing where I get people to host parties so I can share the products with them. I at first just wanted to join so I could get the starter kit but now I'm excited and hope that I can build my business up and possibly stay home with Luke one day. I am getting in with the U.S. company in the beginning and am considered a "founder". Right now there are only about 168 people in the U.S. selling these products. If you are interested in learning more about the products here is my website:
You can also leave me a comment if you want to come to my launch party!
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