4 month visit: Ok so we took little man in for his 4 month visit and he was 13lbs 13oz and 26 inches! He is growing so fast. Since birth he has grown 8 inches! I can hardly believe it (do I say that a lot?). He was great for his second set of shots. We discussed with the doctor when he should start on solids. The doctor wants us to start at 5 months unless he starts waking up in the middle of the night then he should start on rice cereal.
So as soon as we went to the doctor and talked about waiting until 5 months to start cereal, Luke has been waking up every single night. The first night he woke up at 3:20 and stayed awake. He has not been sleeping but we aren't exactly sure if its because he needs cereal OR if he is teething. He has been a little fussier than usual and chewing on EVERYTHING and drooling buckets. Today Melissa, our daycare provider called me at 5:00pm (as I was closing up the office to go get Luke) and said that he had a low grade fever. When I got there she said it really could just be teething because he has been chewing more and more today. We are at a loss of what to do because I don't want to start him on cereal if we don't have to but I also don't want to keep waking up in the night if that is the problem. We made a deal to see how it goes the rest of this week. I already bought some cereal just in case. Oh yeah and we ordered his high chair and it should be here Monday. I'm super excited!
Last night Luke was talking up a storm. He is starting to respond when you talk to him. It is really cute. He makes the cutest sounds I've ever heard. Today my mom came to see him after work and she walked in to his room because he was playing in his crib and she couldn't believe how big he was and its only been a week since she saw him! He started talking to her and then when she was giving him his bottle he started laughing at her.
I'm shedding like crazy. Actually I think Luke and I are losing our hair at the same rate. Luckily I started with more than he did so hopefully I won't look like him with all his bald spots soon. 
Happy 4 month Bday baby boy!
Sporting his Pj's the Oman's got him
Luke and Aunt Becca at game night
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