So Luke hasn't been sleeping well so between getting up early for work and staying up late to pump on top of waking up with him in the middle of the night Jason and I both are pretty tired. I feel like I am losing my mind. One night I while Jason and Luke were playing I started pumping and I realized after a couple of minutes that milk was leaking on my leg. I had fogotten to put the bottle on one of the pumps! Then later that night I went out to pump while Luke was asleep. It was 10:30 pm and I started pumping only to wake up at 11:26 pm. I had pumped for an hour. I was very sore!
Today Luke doesn't think he needs a nap. He isn't necessarily fussy he is just making tons of noises and won't sleep. We gave him some rice cereal in his bottle today. He seemed to like it. His high chair should arrive on monday and we are going to try and actually feed him the rice cereal. I can't wait to see if he likes it or not. I also made my first batch of baby food today. It was some squash from Chris and Becca's garden. I froze it in little individual portions so when he is ready we only have to thaw what we need. It was super easy and kind of fun. Can't wait to make more!
We went to the races yesterday with Primo Pat and Chris and Becca. We had so much fun. I won $23 on a race. I love horse racing. Especially since we love the show Jockeys on Animal Planet.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Little man is growing up
Well our little guy has certainly changed here in the last week. Last Wednesday night I starting weaning him from the swaddle. The first night was a challenge. He woke up at 1 am and I had to rock him for a little bit and give him a couple ounces of milk to finally get him to go back to sleep around 3am. The next few nights were great I only had to wake up and give him his pacifier once each night. Then on Saturday we had some friends over for card games and when I put Luke down I just put him in his crib and when everyone left Jason said lets not move him so I let him have his way and Luke did great. He slept through the night. I knew he was ready to be out of the cradle because once we stopped swaddling he would sleep with his arms out and they would stick out of the cradle. Luke loves his crib! He thinks its playtime in when he gets there. He is trying so hard to roll over. One day he was sleeping when I set him in there and once he hit the mattress he was wide awake. He moves around in complete circles and rolls on his side trying to roll over for an hour or so. His hand still gets in the way but he is trying really hard. He gets so frustrated. We watch him on the monitor because its so funny. He has also started puting his two feet against the crib and kicking. Where he is coming up with this stuff I have no idea but its really really funny.
4 month visit: Ok so we took little man in for his 4 month visit and he was 13lbs 13oz and 26 inches! He is growing so fast. Since birth he has grown 8 inches! I can hardly believe it (do I say that a lot?). He was great for his second set of shots. We discussed with the doctor when he should start on solids. The doctor wants us to start at 5 months unless he starts waking up in the middle of the night then he should start on rice cereal.
So as soon as we went to the doctor and talked about waiting until 5 months to start cereal, Luke has been waking up every single night. The first night he woke up at 3:20 and stayed awake. He has not been sleeping but we aren't exactly sure if its because he needs cereal OR if he is teething. He has been a little fussier than usual and chewing on EVERYTHING and drooling buckets. Today Melissa, our daycare provider called me at 5:00pm (as I was closing up the office to go get Luke) and said that he had a low grade fever. When I got there she said it really could just be teething because he has been chewing more and more today. We are at a loss of what to do because I don't want to start him on cereal if we don't have to but I also don't want to keep waking up in the night if that is the problem. We made a deal to see how it goes the rest of this week. I already bought some cereal just in case. Oh yeah and we ordered his high chair and it should be here Monday. I'm super excited!
Last night Luke was talking up a storm. He is starting to respond when you talk to him. It is really cute. He makes the cutest sounds I've ever heard. Today my mom came to see him after work and she walked in to his room because he was playing in his crib and she couldn't believe how big he was and its only been a week since she saw him! He started talking to her and then when she was giving him his bottle he started laughing at her.
I'm shedding like crazy. Actually I think Luke and I are losing our hair at the same rate. Luckily I started with more than he did so hopefully I won't look like him with all his bald spots soon. 
Happy 4 month Bday baby boy!
Sporting his Pj's the Oman's got him
Luke and Aunt Becca at game night
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Yeah Jason!!
Well after thinking he failed the first of his four CPA tests Jason found out tonight that he passed!! He was so sure he was going to fail and is shocked tonight. He needed a 75 and got an 85! I'm so happy for him and so proud!
Monday, August 17, 2009
First day back at ECLAP
Well today was my first day back to work. It was so hard for me to leave my little man this morning. I don't want to do it again. I wish we could afford for me to be with him. Maybe someday but for sure not now. I did go visit Luke on my lunch break and he did just fine. He was playing with his toys when I got there. I missed him so much.
I got to work and it was just me in the office today and it feels like nothing has changed. Sure I was a little out of the loop but only 2 clients that called today realized I was back, others were calling me Valerie. Some things never change. Tonight I made dinner for my grandparents, mom, uncle, and his girlfriend. I am exhausted. Just waiting to pump one more time so I can go to bed. Hopefully Sophie decides she wants to go to sleep soon too because right now she is wired!
I got to work and it was just me in the office today and it feels like nothing has changed. Sure I was a little out of the loop but only 2 clients that called today realized I was back, others were calling me Valerie. Some things never change. Tonight I made dinner for my grandparents, mom, uncle, and his girlfriend. I am exhausted. Just waiting to pump one more time so I can go to bed. Hopefully Sophie decides she wants to go to sleep soon too because right now she is wired!
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Cutest thing EVER
So Luke had laughed a few weeks ago for the first time but then he really hasn't done it since then all of a sudden last night Jason and him were playing in bed and I walked in and he was smiling so I started talking to him and he just started laughing. We were having so much fun just listening to him laugh that it took us a few minutes to think about getting the camera and so we just got a little big of his giggles. This video is about 2 minutes long but only the first 30 seconds or so are good.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
So much fun in so little time
Well we are back from our whirlwind trip to Delaware and Arkansas. We had so much fun. Here are some notes from the trip.
Friday: Our first flight left San Diego at 12:00pm. We had to drop Sophie off at my grandparents house that morning so we got there around 9:30. When we were driving in the car we noticed Luke was making some pretty big grunting sounds so we both looked at each other and said YEAH, see he hadn't pooped in 8 days and I was so worried he would bless us with a blowout on the plane. We got to my grandmas and I changed him and of course he pooped through his outfit. I changed him and my very nice grandma kept the clothes and washed them while we were gone. We got to the airport 2 hours early and used every single minute of it. I can't believe how long it takes to do things with a baby. We checked 2 suitcases and Lukes carseat and base. Then we gate checked the stroller. We brought a diaper bag, my pump, a bag with other baby stuff, a boppy, and a backpack on the plane. Jason and I had it down though and after the first flight it was pretty easy getting around with all that stuff. On the second flight that day Luke pooped again. Of course he would do that but at least it wasn't as bad as the first time that day. We landed in Philadelphia around 10pm and drove to Jason's Aunt Sue's house. When we got there his aunt just "whipped up" some homeade marinara sauce with some spaghetti and a salad. She is amazing. She is the mom/wife I strive to be like (even my husband said why don't you be more like her).
Saturday: We woke up and realized that our amazing son slept through the night again!!!! His Aunt whipped up a fabulous breakfast and then we headed to the party for his uncle. We had so much fun. Luke was so awesome. There were around 100 or more people with very loud music and he would just let us know when he was ready for a nap and we would lay him in the pack n play that Jason's cousin Tim and his Wife Lisa brought for him and he would go to sleep. He had lots of fun playing with his 3rd cousin Kiersten. She is a total cutie. She was born April 2 so she is just over two weeks older than Luke. We were there for 6 hours and by the end of it Luke was done. We got back to his Aunts house and Luke took a very small nap and then was ready to play and hang out for the evening. He began talking up a storm while we were gone. As soon as you lay him on the floor he is babbling away.
Sunday: We woke up and Jason's Aunt made another awesome breakfast and then just as we were done and she cleaned that up she began on lunch! Then we headed to Arkansas. Luke had another good day on the airplane. My cousin Stacy's husband Dennis and my cousin Pat picked us up from the airport and took us to my Aunts condo that we were getting to stay in. The first night there was VERY hot. That is the only day Luke did not sleep through the night and he still woke up at 5am (really 3am our time).
Monday: Got up and went to see my Aunt Gemma who is staying with my Aunt Cathy. Got to see my cousin Melissa who is my age and I have not seen her in a very long time. We all headed to lunch at a place called Zaxbys (shoot I don't remember if that is how it is spelled or not), that my cousin Kaitlyn works at. I had such a good time visiting with everyone. That evening we went out to dinner with lots more family. After dinner we went back to my Aunt Bernadettes house and just hung out and played cards.
Tuesday: My Aunt Gemma had to go to an appointment in the morning so we did our own thing and met up with Jason's friend Clint who was on his umpire crew last year. We had lunch with him and one guy from his crew this year. That night we hung out with Stacy and her family. I actually got to see a lightening bug for the first time ever! I was so excited. Jason has been telling me about them for a very long time so I was so happy to finally see them.
Wednesday: Jason got up early and went golfing with my cousin Pat then we went to go see my Aunt Gemma before we had to leave. It was very difficult for me to leave Arkansas knowing that unless we get a miracle and get one very quickly I will never see my Aunt again. My dad left for Arkansas the day after we got home to see her. I hope he is having a good time. Later that afternoon my Aunt Bernadette and Uncle Jerry took us to Tulsa to the airport. Luke had another great flight. I am so fortunate that he was so good and we had a good experience. I was very nervous but he made it through just fine and continued to sleep through the night!!
I have to say that when I left Arkansas I was very sad. I felt like maybe we need to move there. We have always wanted to build our own house and we could do that there for sure and then I could have a much better chance of staying at home with my baby boy. Then I think of all the people I would be leaving behind here and I know that I don't want to move. If I ever do though I told Jason that I am starting my own Mexican restaurant. My cousin Pat said he wants to be the face of the restaurant so I will call it Primo Pats (cousin pats). I know we are right where we are supposed to be and I don't want to move but it sure does seem like a nice peaceful place to raise a family.
I know there is so much else I wanted to say but right now my kid has just started laughing up a storm and I want to go play with him and Jason!
He Loves his Raffi
Lukes cousin Kiersten
Luke and Aunt Gemma
Luke with Aunt Gemma and Aunt Bernadette
Luke in his first Padres Tee shirt (thanks great grandma!!)
Luke and Primo Pat
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
I love Luke!!
Well yesterday was a very tough day for me. Luke was very very fussy. From about 2pm to 10:15pm I could do nothing but work on making him happy. I took him for a walk, gave him a bath, and played but nothing worked. My new thing now is to take one of the baby einstein or sunshine kids cd that Valerie made us and turn it up louder than his crying and sit in the dark with our projector on and rock him. He seems to settle down, however he still won't go to bed. Jason had class late last night so it was just me with him and even when Jason came home I knew he had a long day of working and class that I did not want to hand Luke over to him and say your turn (even though he offered). I finally got him down and he yet again slept through the night.
Today he was GREAT. He napped good. He was fantastic at my doctors appointment where he got to see both Great Grandma and Grandma. Then this afternoon Grandma and Papa came over and played with him. This evening we went out to dinner with my entire office for Daniels birthday and aside from puking all over his new outfit and daddy he was great. He didn't make so much as a peep and it was a long night. He finally fell asleep as we were wrapping up and when we got home he was awake and ate his last bottle and had some fun time with mommy and daddy. Once daddy went to sleep him and I hung out and he got tired so I put him in the cradle and he immediately fell asleep no complaining at all. I had so much fun tonight with the work crew. I asked one of the bosses if I could work from home and he said YES!! He did however have too many margaritas and the other bosses said no. I do miss all of them but I can't believe I have to leave Luke. It makes me very sad.
Well Friay is the big day. We begin our day by dropping our little Princess Sophie at my grandmas house and then do the whole travel with my little man. I'm getting nervous because he hasn't pooped since last Thursday and I'm hoping he poops tomorrow and not while we are on the plane. I can't imagine one of his blowouts on an airplane...
Today he was GREAT. He napped good. He was fantastic at my doctors appointment where he got to see both Great Grandma and Grandma. Then this afternoon Grandma and Papa came over and played with him. This evening we went out to dinner with my entire office for Daniels birthday and aside from puking all over his new outfit and daddy he was great. He didn't make so much as a peep and it was a long night. He finally fell asleep as we were wrapping up and when we got home he was awake and ate his last bottle and had some fun time with mommy and daddy. Once daddy went to sleep him and I hung out and he got tired so I put him in the cradle and he immediately fell asleep no complaining at all. I had so much fun tonight with the work crew. I asked one of the bosses if I could work from home and he said YES!! He did however have too many margaritas and the other bosses said no. I do miss all of them but I can't believe I have to leave Luke. It makes me very sad.
Well Friay is the big day. We begin our day by dropping our little Princess Sophie at my grandmas house and then do the whole travel with my little man. I'm getting nervous because he hasn't pooped since last Thursday and I'm hoping he poops tomorrow and not while we are on the plane. I can't imagine one of his blowouts on an airplane...
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Someone pinch me
So my beautiful baby boy has slept through the night 7 nights in a row! I can't even believe it. Although I have a feeling he is just doing it to get my hopes up and then he will start waking up again but I hope not! We are going on vacation on Friday and we will visiting 2 different time zones. I'm a little worried that this will mess up his schedule. I'm going to try my very hardest to keep him as close to our time zone as possible while we are gone. I have thought that maybe we should just stay home but my Aunt is very sick and we NEED to see her ASAP. It sounds silly to stay home just because Luke is on a night time schedule but I go back to work soon and don't know how well I would manage if I had to get up in the middle of the night.
Saturday night we went to nightime zoo again with Chris and Becca. Had so much fun. We watched a bird show late at night in the dark. It was kind of fun even though it was birds (I HATE birds!!). We were walking out towards the exit after the show and saw some pretty creepy hyenas. They were kind of scary in the dark.
This morning Jason is taking his first of four CPA tests. Then this afternoon we are going to go to Fashion Valley and then walk around Balboa Park and then have dinner with Lindsay. Sounds like a really fun day to me.
Saturday night we went to nightime zoo again with Chris and Becca. Had so much fun. We watched a bird show late at night in the dark. It was kind of fun even though it was birds (I HATE birds!!). We were walking out towards the exit after the show and saw some pretty creepy hyenas. They were kind of scary in the dark.
This morning Jason is taking his first of four CPA tests. Then this afternoon we are going to go to Fashion Valley and then walk around Balboa Park and then have dinner with Lindsay. Sounds like a really fun day to me.
Me and Luke at the zoo
Grandma and Luke at dinner for Great Grandpa's bday!
I tried to get good pictures of him in his Guess outfit since its so darn cute but he didn't want to show off his shirt and would not let go of the pacifier.
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