Tuesday, July 28, 2009

14 weeks

So Luke is now 14 weeks old. He has changed so much since we brought him home from the hospital. I finally ordered his baby book so when it came I looked through the pictures and all my notes in my calendar to fill in his book. I love his book. Thanks Loralyn!

Luke has been having a screaming fit for an hour every night at the same time lately. We are not exactly sure what is going on. It isn't his overtired cry and he isn't hungry. Luckily Jason has been home every time and we can take turns with him but tonight Jason has class so hopefully Luke is over that now or it will be a long night without Jay. Luke slept through the night last night! I am not holding my breath. It was most likely a fluke but hopefully not. It took me long enough to get him down last night. He seemed tired when Jay got home from work yesterday around 5:45 so he tried to put him down in the crib but Luke wanted none of that. Then around his really fussy time we gave him a bath. It amazes me how he can go from screaming to smiling the instant you sit him in the water. He got a very long bath last night because we didn't want him to scream. After bath we fed him and then we tried to put him down. He fell asleep for about 20 minutes until he woke up again so him and I went in his room and put on some music and turned out the lights and turned on the little projector that puts images on the wall and just rocked while we looked at the images. He calmed down and was happy so we went to the cradle where he played for another hour before falling asleep at 10:15. He did start to wake up around 2 am but we are trying not to feed him in the middle of the night (unless of course he needs but he really shouldn't need it) sure enough I just put the pacifier in his mouth and he was out and didn't wake up until 5:45!

Today I am very sad. My Aunt/Godmother is back in the hospital. She has pancreatic cancer and in addition to that she had to have surgery a couple of weeks ago to remove her gall bladder and she has had some complications and is now in the hospital. Hopefully they can get her feeling good again. I just pray that God heals her. I want Luke to know her growing up.
My Little Man!

Luke helping carry stuff at aunt Lindsay's

Our trip to the Zoo with Chris & Becca

Luke and Aunt Lindsay at Oggis
Luke's baby book (the cover is wood)

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