So it looks like its been over a month since i've last posted! What the heck have we been doing? Well Jason and I have been enjoying every minute with our little guy. He is so much fun. He is really starting to talk a lot. His favorite words right now are baby (every time we see a carseat with a baby at the store he freaks out screaming baby baby baby), candy (not sure exactly how he learned this one because he RARELY gets candy and if he does I call it a treat), and his favorite phrase is Hi Sissy. Yes he seems to be a little behind in talking but he really has picked up the last couple weeks. He repeats every thing we say. Today he was shouting Football football as he and Jason were watching football. So cute. He has a new game too, hiding in the kitchen cabinet. He thinks its a nice quiet dark place to take a poop. I opened the door yesterday and I could tell he was pooping and he freaked out yelling get get until I closed the door again.
This weekend Jason went to Arizona for some baseball meetings and Luke and I had a great time just the two of us. We even went to the local frozen yogurt shop and got a yogurt to bring home and share while we watched The Chipmunk movie. I'm a little sick of that movie. Luke has no interest in any other movies, not even Cars, but he always is up for The Chipmunks. I need to get The Squekel to see if he likes that one because I am getting super sick of the original.
Good news, Jason passed his final CPA test! He also passed his Ethics exam so its now just waiting for all the paper work to go through and he will have his license! So excited that all the studying and taking exams are over. Now we are gearing up for tax and baseball season. Not really looking forward to all that! Luckily I have 2 baby showers that I'm helping throw for friends so that along with Luke should keep me pretty busy!
Can't believe we are in the home stretch before Luke's second birthday. Is it possible that this second year went even faster than the first? Well I'm super excited because I have picked a theme for the party, The Cat & The Hat! Super cute decorations out there that I can make myself! I'm trying to get a head start on all this stuff so I am not having to do it all in April when Jason doesn't exsist in this house!