Wow I'm having a blast in Vegas. Its been lots of family time! Luke has been amazing on the trip. He slept 12 hours straight our first night here! We have had an amazing babysitter Mariko who really has let us have some adult fun and taken great care of our little guy. Man Luke sure made her work hard for her money last night. Last night was so much fun. We got out without the little guy for 6 hours! I can't even believe we stayed out until a little after 1am. Man I haven't done that in a long time. We went to see Jay Leno live. Man what a good show. It was an hour and it was so funny I haven't laughed that hard in a long time. Funny enough before we left for the show we were all tense and fighting. It was a group of Jason, Josh (my Brother in law), Chris, Becca, and I. The restaurant we were going to eat at was an hour wait and we had an hour to feed Luke, get him to the sitter, and get a taxi to the show. We were all upset with everything anyone else said but we finally ate at a little sandwich place ran Luke up to the room made some cocktails got in the cab and everything went back to normal and fun. After the show we went to the Venetian because we had $25 in free slot play. Jason, Chris, and Becca played the slots while Josh and I went to the bar and talked. Really feel like Josh and I bonded and it was great! I love having another brother (now I just want a sister Kyle or Josh!). After the Venetian we tried to go to a bar Chris and Becca used to go to but it changed a lot so they went back to their part of town while Josh, his friend, Jason & I headed to the Mirage. We found this bar that was buy 1 drink get 1 free and they had great music and it was nice to hang out and have a little fun!!!
Luke loves hotels. He is so funny as soon as we got into Vegas he was very quiet and not really looking at all the sights and sounds of the casino. I thought he would love it. As soon as we got in our room he was running around laughing stomping his feet and having the time of his life! Haven't taken many pics except for some in the room and I will post those later!!