Saturday, December 18, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Well Christmas is right around the corner. This time of year is crazy. Luke is loving all the lights. On nice nights we go walking around our neighborhood to look at the lights. We have made it to a place in Santee called Starlight Circle twice so far this year. It is really the cutest neighborhood. They sell hot chocolate, hot apple cider, kettle corn, and other snacks that you can get while you walk around looking at all the awesome lights and decorations!

We are in the middle of the worst "teething" we have had. Seriously these teeth are worse than the molars. He has been moody/cranky for weeks. Finally one of them has poked through and the second is just about there, then we will have to do it all over again when the bottom ones come through. I'm ready for teething to be over!!

Luke is growing into such a BIG boy! I can hardly believe it. He listens to instructions very well now and can do something if you ask him(like going to give something to daddy in another room, or put something away in his room or my room). He also answers correctly now. Before he would shake his head NO to everything. Now you ask him if he wants to eat and he says yeah or no and actually means it. So much easier knowing what they want. If we are in another room and he wants something he grabs our hand and takes us to what he wants.
We went to see Santa last week. I was nervous because when I picked him up from daycare he was very very grumpy. My mom came over before we left and said oh you shouldn't do that today he is not happy, but it was seriously the only day we could do it. So we met Jay there and when we get to Santa there are two kids screaming in his lap and we look at each other like oh no. Well Luke catches a glimpse of him and starts waving and trying to get down from Jay's arms. Once the other kids get up he runs up to Santa and says hi! So darn cute! He took several photos with him and then sat on his lap until I looked through all the ones and paid for them. He loved it! Last week our friend had him and took him to the mall and he was very excited to see him again as they walked by. He is definitely not afraid, although considering his grandpa has a full beard and he is not afraid of him at even though he doesn't see him much, I'm not surprised he is not afraid of Santa.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Just one of the guys

My son thinks he is one of the big guys. Today at a birthday party where he had never met any of the men before he just kept climbing in their lap and demanding they play with him. Its funny and cute but can be a little embarrasing. Epecially when he tries to pull their kid out of their lap to sit.

We went to Seaworld with Ashley and Boston on Thursday and I think I may have given the kid too much freedom because he kept running off. He really could care less about the animals right now, well that is except for the birds that are flying all over the place at seaworld. He loves birds. He must love them just to upset me. I hate birds!

Jason takes his final CPA test on Sunday. I can't wait for it to be over. He has really been studying so I am sure he will do good. He still would have an open book take home ethics test (does anyone else find that funny?) but that should be easy.

I am so ready for Christmas!! I can't wait. Thanksgiving day is usually when we decorate for Christmas so only a few more days. I have already been listening to Christmas music to get in the mood! We have lots of Christmas activities coming up.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Post Halloween and Vegas

So we survived Halloween...barely. We have an awesome group of friends and they all really know how to have fun. Friday night we had a pumkin carving party at Luke & Alyssa's. Luke got to play with his good friends Aurora, Boston, & Brayden. These kids are starting to actually play together and not just next to each other doing their own thing. Its so much fun to watch! Luke was really a big time partier that night and stayed up until we got in the car at 11pm!

The next night was the annual Halloween party at Ryan & Loralyn's. Wow did we have fun. We left at 12pm and only because my child was the only one still awake and I felt like a bad mom!

Sunday we had a little block party/pot luck and then took the kids trick or treating. It took Luke all of about 2 houses to get the hang of it. He kept trying to walk into people's houses. He loved the decorations and all the little dogs that were hanging out in driveways helping their owners pass out candy.

Friday we are leaving for Vegas. Totally bummed and excited all at the same time. I just dont want to leave Luke. If only he could come with us it would be the best trip!! Ryan and Loralyn are coming with us and that is going to be a lot of fun!

I will put up halloween pics later.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pooping in the potty!

Well our doctor told us to try Luke on the potty at 18 months. Since his 18 month birthday is just a few days away I bought a little potty chair for him. I really wanted to just get one that goes on the seat but he is afraid of the toilet so I just got the seat. Luke loves it. Thinks its very cool. We just got it yesterday and so not really ready to completely potty train but I noticed he is more aware of when he pees recently so I decided to let him run around naked (his favorite thing to do) and just "watch" him closely. Well I am the biggest dork because there he was naked on his seat looking so cute so I went to grab my camera and when I got it I noticed the battery was dead so I went to get the charger and set it up and the next thing I know I hear something in my room and walk in to find him standing in next to my bed peeing! After breakfast I tried again and this time I caught him in time and put him on the potty and he peed! We made a huge deal out of it and gave him a treat for peeing in there! We had a really busy day but when we got home that evening he had a full 8 oz of milk and I thought perfect we will try it again. Sure enough within 10 minutes I noticed a little drop of pee coming out and I put him on his seat he finished peeing and went poop! I could hardly believe. I was freaking out telling him how awesome he was and I was proud of him and clapping and he looked at me like I was crazy! Don't think we are going to go full force with the potty training right now. He is still very young and doesn't quite get it yet but this is a big step in the right direction. I was afraid he was going to be one of those kids who is 3 and not potty trained yet. With Jay & I going on vacation soon and then the holidays after that we will probably wait until after the first of the year to really go for it unless of course he decides he wants to.

On a side note he is starting to talk a lot now. His new sentence is I can see it or I see it which means he wants to see something. Took me a couple of days to figure out what he was talking about because he kept saying I can see it and I had no clue what the heck he was seeing but it all made sense yesterday when we were at a friends house and they had a fish on the dresser and I had picked him up to show him and then later he said mom I can see it and raised his arms so I would pick him up and show him. It also sounds like he says I can't do it a lot but we are not really sure. He said cheese yesterday but I missed it. Seems like every day he gets a new word.

When he drinks his milk at night I let him watch a show on Nick Jr. Usually its Yo Gabba Gabba since that is his favorite and if I say Yo Gabba Gabba is on he runs to his chair or the couch waiting for me to turn it on. On Nick Jr. the shows are only about 20 minutes or so and then after they have a cartoon moose come on an do puzzles and songs and stuff. He loves Moose. Last night I was washing dishes while he was drinking him milk watching tv. I look over at him and he is bouncing in his chair. Then I hear Moose on tv said step 2 is clapping and Luke starts to clap. Step 3 is turn around so Luke gets up and spins and then the do all the steps over again and he does them. Seriously when did he get so big! He is getting much better at listening to directions and if he does go in time out he actually stays put until we tell him.

Well we are off to a busy weekend. Saturday: I work, we have 3 birthday parties stacked up after that. Sunday: Bates Nut Farm for Pumpkin Patch (which is about an hour away from us) and then a birthday party at 5. Seriously between the 4 Bday parties this weekend and then we have a birthday dinner for my BFF Loralyn on Tuesday then her actual party on Friday we are just on this birthday party train which continues from last month where we had 4!

Monday, October 11, 2010


I just realized I haven't put any new pictures up in a long time. I have nothing special to share just a few random pics since September

Eating an ice cream cone backwards

Just love this face!

He has sunscreen all over his face but he doesn't care

This was after my bunco night. He passed out in our bed and was so cute as I was trying to put his jammies on.
Passed out with the bottle

Drinking some milk laying on the floor. He is very silly!

A few weeks ago we had the pleasure of having Boston spend the day with us. Luke had so much fun! For some reason he does this a lot in photos

The boys playing swords

See he is doing it again.

What little cuties!

Showing off his head injury. He was skateboarding with our neighbor Ben. Well Luke thought he could skateboard himself and this is what happened.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Fun times

So we had an awesome weekend last weekend! Friday night was my monthly girls Bunco night. Luke and Jason got to play at the neighbors until bunco was over. Saturday we headed over to Ryan and Loralyn's for game night with all our friends. That was so much fun but with two toddler boys it was a lot of work! Boston and Luke actually got into a fight. They normally get along great but they started fighting over a toy and pushed eachother. Sunday was our next door neighbors kids birthday party. The party was for Ben (10) and Kayla (5). Luke loves Ben so much. Ben pushes him around in Luke's little car, or on a scooter, bike, or skateboard. Kayla loves Luke and pretends he is her little doll! They had a birthday party at the pool and the kids have so much fun. Ben is at the age where he is really into clothes and shopping and he mentioned to me that he really liked Tilly's so we got him a gift card to Tilly's and his face was pretty priceless! He was so happy and can't wait to go shopping! After the party we ran home for a bit and let Luke nap for an hour then we headed down to our neighbor Susie's house for dinner. They have family in from out of town and so we all hung out and had some fun! By Monday morning I was exhausted. I could barely stay awake.

By Tuesday I had started feeling less exhausted and that is good because I have officially given up caffeine again. If you don't know I had not had caffeine in about 2 years but all of a sudden the last few months seems like we are getting busier and busier and I am getting less and less sleep and I started drinking coffee. Now that we are getting a little more serious about having another baby I figure I better cut down on caffeine now so I don't have to do it while I'm tired and not feeling well from being pregnant. Speaking of being pregnant I have 3 pregnant friends right now and could possibly have 2 more pregnant friends within the next couple months. Talk about a lot of new babies!!

A couple of weeks ago I entered a text message contest for a store in Old Town called Hotlicks, which is a hot sauce store. They have nothing but lots and lots of different hot sauces. Well the prize was hot sauce for a year (2 bottles per month so 24 bottles total) and I won!! I got the call yesterday and am super duper excited. I mean really its not as awesome as say winning diapers or gas for a year but its still fun!

This weekend is shaping up to be pretty fun. Saturday we have Ryan's 30th birthday party. All the boys (big boys not baby boys) are going to play laser tag Saturday morning while us girls hang out and do our own thing and then the boys will join us and they are having Pizza and Beer. I'm excited but now that Ryan is 30 makes me sad because I know its my turn next :(

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Awesome weekend

So we ended up having an awesome weekend! Luke was great the whole weekend and we got lots of family time in! I worked on Saturday so while I worked Luke and Jason walked down to the taco shop and got themselves a late breakfast. Jason sent me a picture on my phone of Luke in the restaurant in his Pj's and it was so cute!! Saturday night Lindsay came over for Chicken Taco soup and salad. It was so nice to hear about her very super adventurous trip to Alaska. All I can say is NO THANK YOU! I am not up for camping in the middle of absolutely no where for 5 days. I don't want to camp anywhere for 5 days!

Sunday we went up to San Clemente to meet up with our neighbors who were camping. They were camping at the beach and had an awesome little camping spot and had at least 8 trailers there with lots of people (and lots and lots of kids!). It was overcast but nice and we walked down to the beach and Luke had a blast. The water was cold but Luke didn't mind. He likes to just stand there and wait for the waves to come. It is so awesome to see the excitement on his little face. After playing in the water he played in the sand for awhile. Lets just say he had sand everywhere! When we got back from the beach he played with all the other kids and just had a blast. We drove home that night to sleep in our own beds and since Luke only got a 1 hour nap on the way up he slept really good that night! I myself went to bed before 10pm which hasn't happened in months and we got to sleep in until 6:45! It was awesome.

Monday we just spent the whole day at home. I got a nap in while Luke napped and then we had an early dinner, bath and then headed out to play with the neighbor kids. The kids right next door to us are awesome with Luke and push him around on bikes and in his police car. He is really spoiled rotten!

Its a short week for me (only 2 days!) and we have a busy weekend ahead us but all fun stuff!

Friday, September 3, 2010

Doctor's visit

We took Luke to the doctors for a check up and shots yesterday. He weighed in at 21lbs 10oz and 31 inches tall(he has gained 1lb 10oz and grown 2 inches since his 12 month check up). The doctor said he is perfect! Not too thin and definitely not chubby. I always think he is a little chubby especially when I see him next to Aurora and Boston but the doctor made it clear he was not chubby and a little on the too small side but said since he is smaller boned and short like me he was fine. He got his shots and was fine after that. We then picked up dinner and went to a really cool park and played in the grass. Luke's favorite new thing is playing baseball. He has this little ball that sits on a tee (but its really small and not like a real tee) and hits it with the bat. He is a little obsessed actually. Its pretty cute. He hits it then says again and does it all again.

The doctor did mention that he likes to start trying to put them on the potty at 18months. I am not sure if we will do that or not. A potty training guide a friend gave me said optimal time she has found was 22 months which seems a little more likely so I guess we will wait and see where he is in the next 2 months and see if we should give it a go or wait for a few more months. He also would like to have the bottle and pacifier gone at 18 months. We are down to 1 bottle per day in the morning and I don't know how we are going to get it away from him. He is not the most pleasant child in the morning until after his bottle. I don't blame him either because I am not pleasant at all in the morning. I try to not be irritated but Jason just smiling at me or saying anything at all irritates me. This morning he got up and just the sound of him peeing irritated me! I need help. The pacifier is going to be difficult too. He only gets it in his bed and its not like he is sucking on it all night long but the doctor was concerned about his teeth so we will work on not using it. I may wait until after our Vegas trip.

Speaking of Vegas we are now going twice in November. The first time we are going with Ryan and Loralyn for 2 nights no babies! I'm soooooooooo sad and don't want to leave Luke but it will be good to get away before we start trying for another baby. The second time is for an accounting meeting and we will take Luke with us and Luke and I will hang all day alone while Jay does his meetings. It will be fun just to get away and Luke loved the hotel last time so even if we spend all our time there it will be good. I have some friends and family there I would like to try and see also!

By the way if you can't tell by my new background I am very much looking forward to Fall. I love summer and we have had a fantastic one but I love fall and getting ready for Halloween and all the other fun stuff!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Luke started signing bath to me the other night. I mean seriously I have not done that sign in probably 6 months and only really did it a few times. I have no idea how he remembered it but he did and now he does it all the time. I got him out of his high chair after he was done with dinner and he started doing it and running down the hall. Unfortunately Jason and I were not done with dinner and that did not make Luke happy! Finally when we were done I said ok ready for your bath and he starts doing the sign for bath and heading towards the bathroom. It is so cute! Then we got out the sign language book since we know he can do them and pick them up pretty quickly so I did the sign for brush teeth and the kid got so excited he started signing it and ran to the bathroom. He gets very giddy when he knows he gets to brush his teeth (I really hope that lasts but I'm sure it will become a chore to get him to brush someday). He lets me use the finger brush for about 30 seconds and then I let him go to town with his Elmo toothbrush. Its not so fun after about 5 minutes and you need him to go to bed. Once you take away the toothbrush you need to be prepared for a huge tantrum!

Luke has also started picking his nose. Its cute for about 2 seconds then its just gross! He is also starting to talk a tiny bit more. The sitter told me he said thank you to her the yesterday. I know he has repeated me when I tell him to say thank you several times but he said it all on his own this time! He was repeating Jason last night and Jason kept saying I love you over and over and Luke would say it back. He has also somehow picked up how to cover your mouth if you cough. So funny I watched him do it several times one day. He is like a sponge and its a little scary! We are participating in some training for a speech therapist from Kaiser. We go on Friday and while they are working with Luke they are going to be talking to me about how I can help him learn at home. No Luke does not have a problem with speech or learning that we know of but its just something fun we got invited to do and sounds really neat so we are taking part. Can't wait to do it! They did ask me all the things he does so if there was anything he was behind in we could work on it. The one thing that concerns me is that he does not point. His pediatrician asked us at the 12 month visit if he is pointing to things and I said no and he kind of gave a weird look and said well I guess since he walks and otherwise acts pretty normal its fine. Well when she asked me if he pointed I said no and she said oh perfect we will work on that. Pointing would make like a little easier because he will want something out of the toy box and if it is stuck (because the toy box is a wreck and there are way too many toys in there) he just stands there screaming so you are literally pulling every thing out until he gets what he wants. Hopefully he can learn by the time we go to the pediatrician on September 3!

Saturday, August 21, 2010

16 months!

It hardly seems fair that Luke is 16 months already. He is not wasting any time growing up! He is really starting to lose his babyness. Makes me want to cry! He got his hair cut again yesterday and I didn't realize how thick and long his hair had gotten. Now its gone! She spiked his hair after cutting yesterday and put some red temporary dye. It washed out last night in the shower but it was so cute. I want to get some blue dye to put in. How cute would that be!

Well we have finally hit the point in Luke's short life where going out to do anything is no longer fun! Going out to dinner with him is out of the question. He is a busy little boy! He will sit in the high chair for about 5 minutes before wanting to get out. He needs to be running around exploring not stuck in a high chair. We met our neighbors and some of their friends at Fiesta Island for a bonfire. Luke was not fun! He wanted to go into the water or follow around an older boy who was playing with the wood pile which had nails and dangerous pieces of wood in it. The older boy was about 10 so it was fine for him to be doing whatever it was he was doing (hammering nails into the wood I think) but not for Luke. Well that didn't go over well at all! We finally decided Luke could have his bottle if he sat with one of us. Well he wanted his bottle but nothing to do with us. He ended up screaming. Jason took him for a drive around the island twice but he didn't fall asleep. They did stop and get out to watch the fireworks from Seaworld for a few. We had fun but not nearly as much as we would have if Luke would have been better! He just thinks he is much bigger than he is.

Even though he is not a ton of fun to be out and about with I can hardly get enough of him right now. He is so cute! This age is challenging because he really tries to communicate with us but we don't know much of what he is saying so he gets upset, but this age is so much fun! I love the new things he does every day. I love the way he is always trying to make people laugh. What a personality this kid has. He was trying to make an old lady at Vons laugh the other day. He did the job! Sometimes if his cute little "tricks" don't make people laugh he will just start laughing and that usually gets them. He also has 2 laughs. One that is this very deep loud laugh that if he is standing up he usually hunches over because he is laughing so hard. The other laugh is totally 100% fake. He does this when he wants others to laugh or look at him. It sounds a lot like a goat!

Luke really has been into daddy a lot too! On my days off by the end of the afternoon he is usually asking for dada. So cute yesterday he kept saying dada here dada here. I said no not yet dada will be home soon. He runs and give Jason the biggest hugs when he gets home. Now I'm not saying he is not a mama's boy still because my uncle brought his new baby (almost 3 months old) to California this week and while I was holding Avery Luke got very upset. He climbed into my lap wanting me to hold him instead. Makes me very happy we decided to hold off having another baby and did not rush into it like we originally planned.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

My boys cleaning!
Well I have started several posts and never finished them! Guess I have been busy. Two weeks ago Jason and I went to the Aerosmith concert with Ashley and Dylan. Had the best time!! My mom and dad stayed the night since we didn't get home until 2am. They had a blast with Luke. That whole weekend was jam packed! Friday we went to the horse races. Saturday we had dinner at Loralyn & Ryans. Sunday we went to church and Seaworld with Ashley, Dylan, and Boston. Our weekend started on Thursday at the Aerosmith concert and ended at Seaworld Sunday night at 10pm! The next weekend was busy too. Jason left Friday afternoon for an umpire clinic in Long Beach and Luke and I hung out every single night with his new mommy (our neighbor) Susie and her two kids! Such an awesome friend I have found. Literally in about 2 weeks Luke and Hunter will be best friends. Hunter is starting to walk and once he does those two will be off doing what boys do. Sophia the cutest little almost 3year old and I will be watching Cinderella together while the boys play!

This weekend is booking up fast! I'm watching 2 boys tomorrow and have a BBQ planned for Sunday. Think we need a vacation!

Oh and Loralyn I can't wait for Vegas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sophia and Luke

Luke, Sophia, and Hunter

Big Boy

Boston hugging Luke

Luke at Seaworld!

Jay, Me, Ashley, and Dylan after Aerosmith

Jay & me!

Ashley & Dylan

Dylan & Jason

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

We have a molar

Well Luke has been a little on the whiny side the last few days. Just not quite himself. Last night we went to dinner with Lindsay and I had to take him outside for the first time ever. Jason ate his dinner and then relieved me. Good thing my BFF Loralyn has sweet Aurora who is Luke's age and I read her blog last night and realized when she said Aurora was getting her molars that could potentially be Luke's problem. Sure enough this morning I saw one tiny little point through on the top left side (all his teeth come on the left side first!). This evening he has another point out. Hopefully this goes quick and I get my funny happy kid again soon!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

I'm so in love!

Luke and I have been doing this nightly routine lately of him drinking his bedtime bottle and us cuddling up to watch an episode of Yo Gabba Gabba. Now Luke doesn't watch much tv and when he does he only watches a few minutes at a time. Sometimes he will even turn on the tv himself go sit in his chair and then less than 5 minutes later he will turn it off. But when it comes to Yo Gabba Gabba the kid is hooked. I have become fond of the Sleep episode and it has been on demand for a good month. So Luke and I cuddle up and he gets his bottle and lays his head on me and I get to run my fingers through his hair (he absolutely loves this! He does it to himself all the time and sometimes when you rub his scalp he lets out a little moan its so cute) and just have 2o minutes of cuddle time with my otherwise very busy toddler. He is just so darn busy lately he can barely spare the time to give you "love" anymore. Well tonight was our last night of being able to watch this particular episode because it is no longer on demand as of midnight tonight :( Not sure I will really click with any other episode like this one but I guess I have to try if it means more cuddle time with my little man. Tonight while we were watching it I couldn't help but think how freaking much I love this kid! He is so awesome and I could never imagine living without him!

Oh yeah and my kid is getting pretty smart. He now can touch his nose on command! This happened the other night. And today I was getting him rubbing him up with sunscreen and I had the sunscreen stick I use for his face next to us and he picks it up and starts rubbing it all over his face! Of course the lid was on so he didn't do it but I couldn't believe he did that it was too darn cute. And as with everything he applauded himself after doing it!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hot Wheels!

We got Luke his first little cars yesterday. He loves playing with them at daycare so we had to go to Toys R Us to get a new inflatable bath (mommy popped it this time) and he was being good so I got him a few hot wheels, a few matchbox cars, and one of the cars from the movie "Cars". He was so excited when I handed him the box in the store he started pointing to them and making all kinds of noise but that was nothing compared to when I took them out of the box at home. The kid squealed and his face lit up. It was so cute! He immediately started rolling them around on the floor. It amazes me how he even knows what the heck to do with them but I guess he learned it from the boys at daycare. Mommy and Luke played cars for a long time. I was laying on the floor and we had 2 cars and I would make them go all the way down the hall and Luke would crack up then run down the hall to get them and give them back to me just to do it all over again and again and again! So stinking cute!

He has also known the song If you're happy and you know it for some time now but it still cracks me up every time I see him stomp his little feet on the ground. He is learning something new every day! His new thing that seems to crack him up is when we close our eyes for a second. Then he will close his eyes and when he does he closes them so hard it takes all his strength. His fists are clenched and he is squeezing them closed it seriously makes us laugh so hard which then makes him laugh. He seriously has the funniest personality. Someone said he was going to be the class clown when he gets older...lets hope not but it could happen he is one silly kid.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Park Fun

Luke and I met friends at the park today. He had fun thinking he is a big boy.

Jackson and Luke "pinky swear you won't tell my mom"

Couldn't keep him off the slides. He thought he could climb up so he spent half the day trying.

Jack & Luke!

He loves this thing

He found this little lion he could climb in. He was so proud of himself for being able to do it!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Kaminsky Family Summer Party

We had our first and I'm hoping to be annual fake 4th of July party this weekend. We did it on July 3rd since everyone usually had stuff to do on the 4th. It was a lot of fun. First we went down to the pool where Luke and Rory really had a lot of fun. After that we went back to the house to grill up some yummy magic coffee rubbed flank steak and corn along with lots of other snacks and food. I have to say I was absolutely horrified at all the junk my kid ate and how dirty he got. He had about 7 or 8 slices of watermelon (Jason counted 6 that he gave him and I gave him at least one or two pieces myself) and then Auntie Loralyn filled the snack cup with baked cheetos and Luke and Rory sat in the wagon and ate tons and tons of them until they were both orange. Then when it came time for dinner Luke didn't touch his burger but did eat the pickles I put on his plate. Not to mention the bites of Smores he got from me and who know what he got from other people. He doesn't normally eat that much bad food in a week let alone one evening! Then I have no clue what he got into because he had black soot like stuff all over and then he was playing with the sidewalk chalk. He was soooooo dirty. As soon as our guests left him and I took a shower to get him ready for bed. We had an amazing night and want to thank all of our bestest friends for coming! Here are some of my favorite pics:

Luke and Rory wanting nothing to do with each other

At the end of the evening my very dirty child

After his shower he is getting ready for bed doing what he does best bottle and running his fingers through his hair.

This little dude is so darn cute!

Boston being a silly police officer

Ryan, Jason, & Dylan

Miss Aurora and her funny faces!

Aurora and Boston sitting in a tree...

Luke is all boy running around barefoot getting dirty and pushing a dump truck.

Jason was trying to show off Luke's grilling shirt and his apron but Luke did NOT want that to happen.

Cheeto face

Another cheeto face

Rory is trying to get the snack cup and Luke is NOT happy and holding on to it for dear life

The cutest kiddos :)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Pictures & a funny video at the end

He is supposed to be smiling for the camera

being a ham

Being silly with a spoon

Hi favorite thing to do after I put away all of his toys, throw them off the table and sit in it

He LOVED pushing Scout (and some Yogurt) in the stroller.

Cutest Pj's ever!

No I'm serious my favorite pj's ever!

Luke being his usual silly self!

This video is of Luke and the chimp Grandma and Papa brought back from their trip to Idaho. Luke loves it!