Monday April 2oth at 3:38 am, Sophie woke me up by trying to claw her way out the window. Then Luke was moving around so much inside my tummy I was having a very hard time falling back to sleep. Around 4:40 am, I was kind of angry because I had been up for the last hour trying to fall back to sleep but now our alarm was set to go off at 5am and I was going to start my last week of work before maternity leave. My throat was kind of dry and I started to clear my throat when all of a sudden I thought I peed my pants a little. Totally upset and annoyed that I was one of those pregnant women who could not control her bladder anymore I started to get out of bed to go to the bathroom but as I got up more came out then I ran to the toilet and the whole time its coming out and once I get on the toilet it just gushes. I yell to Jason (who is still sleeping) either I can't stop peeing my pants or my water just broke. He jumps out of bed but he thinks that maybe Sophie got out of the window so he says I'll get her. Then when he realizes what is going on he goes into take charge mode. I told him I wanted to take a shower and he said we needed to call the hospital to make sure it was ok first which they said was fine so I took a shower and we took the next couple of hours finishing (or starting!) packing our bags for the hospital the whole time looking at each other saying oh my gosh I can't believe this is happening today. We weren't ready. We still had 2 weeks to go. So we leave the house. I'm in tears because Sophie is acting very strange. She can feel our vibe and knows that something very big is going on. I had already called my mom and set up for her to pick Sophie up and take her to my grandmas for the day. So out of the house we went, however our first stop was not the hospital, no we are so Lakeside white trash that we stopped at Walmart before the hospital (and yes I was still leaking water all over the place, I put pads in and had to change them twice while at walmart) to get last minute things that I had been meaning to do.
7:15 am check into hospital. They check my cervix and I'm dialated to 1cm and 50% effaced.
They hook me up to the monitor and they say oh you are having a contraction can you feel it? At that point I couldn't even feel them happening. At 8:30 they decide to start me on pitocin. For the next 3 hours the contractions got very very painful and I decided to go ahead and get the epidural. Once I got that we had a very big scare and Luke's heart rate went way down. While they got the doctor on the phone it went back up and all was good again although they made me stay on my left side saying he did better on that side.
Sometime before 4pm my doctor came in and checked me. I was at 7cm and 95% effaced. She said about an hour until show time! Then Luke's heart rate dropped again and she looked really concerned. The nurse told her its because I need to be on my left side or the baby doesn't do well. My doctor said that's ridiculous. It shouldn't be like that so she had me move from my back to my right side and then Luke's heart rate went down into the 60's. The next few minute were so surreal I still don't know what happened. All of a sudden about 5 extra nurses rushed into the room. They threw a bag at Jason without saying a word to him with scrubs. The doctor started telling me that the cord was wrapped around Luke's neck and that we had to get him out now. They had me sign some papers (that I have no clue what they said or how I signed them) and then I was wheeled out to the OR. Now the next part is super unclear to me. All I know is that it was like an episode of ER. All the nurses were talking about me like I wasn't even there talking about what had happened. At this point Jason is not with me.They had him in some small room all by himself waiting. They were doing things to me and put a curtain up and an oxygen mask (which I had to wear after the first little scare and let me tell you for someone who is claustrophobic oxygen masks are not good!). Finally Jason came in and sat by my head. We were both terrified. Things were happening so quickly. I kept panicking that I would feel when they made the incision, not that I would feel pain but just feel them doing it. I kept waiting for it and waiting for it and then all of a sudden someone said they were in and getting ready to pull him out. What?? They had already cut me? Then they told Jason to stand up and just as he did they were pulling Luke out. The cord had been wrapped around his neck 1 and half times. The sad part is that Jason did not get to cut the cord. He really wanted to do that and I will always feel terrible that he did not get to do it. Then as they are working on me Jason goes with the baby and I'm left there alone, totally out of it. I can't swallow, I'm nauseous, and I feel so sleepy that I just want to sleep but am afraid I will never wake up if I fall asleep. The part that bothers me the most about having a c section is that when they brought my son to me for the first time I felt so sick and out of it that I did not even enjoy seeing him.
When they took me to recovery Jason and the baby joined me. I could not move my body at all. Jason talked the nurse into putting Luke on me to nurse so we tried that for awhile. I was in recovery for 3 hours. Our families and friends were waiting to see the baby but Jason and they baby had to stay until I was able to go to my room. By the time I got to the room everyone was holding the baby but I don't really remember that. I don't really remember until later that night when it was just Jason, Luke, and I and how Jason had to take care of Luke all by himself because I couldn't do anything. He is such a great father. He basically took care of Luke the entire 3 days we were in the hospital. He has got the swaddle thing down way better than me.
Today is the 1 week mark since we have brought Luke home. Its such an amazing experience and I am having so much fun, although its been really easy for me since my mom has been here during the day every day this week. Next week it will just be Luke and I so we will see how it is going then. Although he is such a good baby that I don't expect it to be much different.
Here are some pictures of our little man for now: